Help Your Wife with Housework

If you are a man and are interested in improving your relationship, consider helping your wife with housework.

Dear Husband,

I love you and I am so thankful for you.

Now, I’m just going to put this out there.  Most men don’t truly understand that helping your wife with housework is FOREPLAY.  We’ve all read the studies, and sex is hardwired into a woman’s brain.  Put down Maxim for a second and stand-by for a newsflash and a free sexy tip.  Cleaning sucks and nothing says that you love like a load of laundry or cleaning up after dinner.   A little help around the house may go a very long way. In fact one study shows that women find men sexy when they help around the house.

Besides the obvious clean-love connection, let’s talk acknowledgement for a second.  When you help around the house you acknowledge that you appreciate me.  If you said to me “go sit down and read your favorite book while the kids and I clean up,” well…it would be the highlight of my day.  I’ve been trying to teach our sons that nothing says I love you better than being a partner. You may have to physically lead me to the couch because I will be in denial.  Want to add to that joy?  Give me a glass of wine too!

Now some of your friends may say “hey you bring home the bacon,” but spare me the details.   I too brought home the bacon before your genetic offspring ran my sanity into the ground.  Every day they pummel me and every day I put a smile on my face and sing like Cinderella.  OK, perhaps I’m more like Maleficent but you get my point.  We are a team, but somehow, even if I work, I carry the burden of cleaning up the tornado-like messes in our home. I also carry the mental load.

Today is Thanksgiving. Please show me that you are thankful too.  Help me clean up that horror of a mess this Thursday.



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One response to “Help Your Wife with Housework”

  1. Cynthia Avatar

    Another gem!

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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