Own Your Truth. Live Your Truth.

My grandmother and their great-grandmother!

In December I lost my strong, slightly eccentric, very colorful and loving grandmother.  I will love her and miss her forever and my world has become just a little bit too quiet with her gone.  Although she lived until she was 93, losing her was not so easy.  Is it ever?  When you lose someone you love?  Is it ever easy?  She lived a long life, but my life was just a little bit better with her on this earth.

If I would have to describe the one lesson my grandmother taught me that stands out the most, it was to simply be yourself.  Don’t apologize for who you are, what you have, what you believe and what you want out of your life.  Own your truth.  She did this every single day and drove many of us crazy in the process.

Own your truth.  Live your truth.

These statements are life changing.  What is your truth?  Are you living your life worried about what other people are thinking?   Do you spend too much time on things that don’t matter?  I really believe that if we all stopped for one minute and really thought about these questions, we would be surprised at our own answers.  Live your life for yourself and for your family, and not according to anyone else’s rules.

In the end, if you are lucky enough to age, memories of today will fade away and the memories and people that will be left, holding your hand, will be your family.   Invest your time and your knowledge on making an impact on your children, your nieces, your nephews and you grandchildren.  Use your time wisely.  Pass your gifts and your lessons to those you love and hold dear.

I’ve said goodbye to my last grandparent, and she was the last in a generation of my elders.  I am better for having known her and for having loved her.  I love and miss them all.  Now it is time to step forward in line.


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2 responses to “Own Your Truth. Live Your Truth.”

  1. Brenda Avatar

    Now it is time to step forward in line. LOVE. THIS. STATEMENT.

  2. Katrina Avatar

    A beautiful woman that left a great imprint in this world, and that imprint will pass down through you and yours for generations!!! Such a great read and so on point!!!!!!

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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