fostering independence by stopping the practice of waking your teen up

Fostering Independence: How Stopping the Wake-Up Calls Transformed Our Mornings

As a parent, you often find yourself in many routines; the nightly ritual of tucking your kids in, followed by the morning dance of wake-up calls. For years, I woke my son up for school, navigating the delicate balance of encouraging him to rise while also managing the frantic pace of our mornings. OK, who am I kidding, the morning turned me into a yelling banshee, trying to wake him up, especially in high school. But during his junior year, I made a simple yet profound change: I stopped waking him up. This decision was aimed at fostering independence. The results were nothing short of transformative, and I believe this shift can benefit both parents and high schoolers alike. Stopping the wake-up calls helped my son embrace independence.

A Wake-Up Call for Fostering Independence

When I stopped being my son’s alarm clock, something remarkable happened: he started to take ownership of his mornings. The first few days were a bit chaotic, with him occasionally missing the mark and rolling out of bed late. But as he navigated the consequences of his new freedom—like rushing to finish breakfast or scrambling to find his shoes—he quickly learned the value of responsibility.

I knew I had succeeded when one day he said “Well, I have to wake myself up now since YOU don’t care.” Mission accomplished!

This newfound independence empowered him to set his own alarm and manage his time. It’s incredible to watch him take charge, planning his mornings in a way that works best for him. Is he late to school? Yes. Do I worry about it any longer? No. This small change has also taught him accountability. He’s the one who has to walk into school and class with a tardy.

Less Stress, More Connection

For me, the change also reduced a significant amount of stress. The morning hustle was often fraught with frustration: “Get up! You’re going to be late!” became an all-too-familiar refrain. By stepping back, I not only removed the tension of those early hours but also created space for a more relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

Our mornings have transformed from a battle of wills to an opportunity for connection.

Teaching Life Skills

By allowing him to take responsibility for his wake-up routine, I’ve also inadvertently taught him essential life skills. He’s learned the importance of planning ahead—setting his alarm the night before and preparing his backpack in advance. These skills will serve him well not just in high school, but throughout his life.

Moreover, he’s developed a better understanding of the importance of sleep. With the freedom to choose his wake-up time, he’s become more aware of his own needs, often going to bed earlier to ensure he gets enough rest. It’s a lesson in self-care that’s crucial for his overall well-being.

A Win-Win Situation

This simple change has proven to be a win-win situation. My son enjoys the independence he craves, while I experience less stress and more quality time with him. While every family dynamic is different, I encourage you to consider if stepping back from being the morning alarm clock could benefit your relationship with your teenager. Is there a downside? Only for me. This first step has opened up the door for more independence and as we all know, it’s difficult to let go.


As parents, it’s easy to slip into the habit of trying to control every aspect of our children’s lives, especially during the chaotic high school years. But sometimes, all it takes is a small shift to foster independence and build stronger connections. So, if you find yourself waking up your high schooler every morning, consider giving them the chance to wake up on their own. You might just discover a new rhythm that enhances your family life—and helps your child take a step closer to becoming the independent adult they’re meant to be.

What small parenting change can you make to encourage independence? Have you implemented some kind of small change that you’ve felt made your life and your child’s life easier? I’d love to hear about it in the comments! For more information on how to foster independence, you can also visit this link.

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Lorraine Lundqvist

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