I truly fear for the soul of our country. Politicians talk about bringing God back into our lives, yet their actions suggest the opposite. As I reflect on faith and politics, I see a troubling pattern; people are forgetting the most important commandment—to love thy neighbor.
This commandment does not say, “Love thy neighbor if they look like you.” It does not say, “Love thy neighbor only if they are in your country legally.” It simply commands us to love our neighbor.
Another commandment warns us: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. And yet, many —have placed their worship elsewhere. Not in faith, not in kindness, but in their bank accounts, their stock portfolios, and their political victories.
This post is not about dissecting specific policies. It is about something deeper: Who are we as Americans? Who are we as human beings?
One day, we will all die. Our leaders will die. The only thing we leave behind is our legacy—the love and compassion we instill in our children, the way we treat others, and the words we speak.
When you are on your deathbed, you will not be saying, “I’m so proud I supported the end of birthright citizenship.” You will not be saying, “I’m glad we denied refuge to people fleeing for their lives.” You will not be celebrating that billionaires became richer while hardworking families lost everything.
One day will you question your actions on Earth? I urge you to do some deep soul-searching. Strip away the politics, the justifications, and the talking points.
Ask yourself one simple question: What would God do?
Because it’s not this.
8 responses to “Have We Lost Our Way? A Reflection on Faith and Politics”
Girl I feel ya. I’m not a real political person but when I see my friends post things..especially religious friends that act like our president was a gift from God and the hateful posts towards others it astounds me. People losing their jobs and these people act like it’s no big deal it’s for “our country.” And the science being ignored.. how is no one afraid of diseases that won’t get enough funding for studying?! It’s just so insane rn and every little thing going on in my personal life now feels like a huge weight… like I’m losing the fortitude to just keep going. I feel terrible for anyone who loses their job over this and the good people who are being forced out of our country. They are NOT all criminals. Are we really so elite? And what about us women not getting a choice about our own bodies?! The future looks so dismal.
Though shalt not kill…this law is for everyone….Including ILLegal immigrants who have not applied and do not deserve to be here…and cartels who spread the use and gain from illicit drugs…
Though shalt not steal….including corrupt politicians ….…and anyone collecting funds that are not theirs!
The sky is NOT falling….be confident that what needs to be funded Will be funded and the Pork and kickbacks will not..
The “good people” leaving our country can apply LEGALly.. like our ancestors did before us..
Women’s choice over their own bodies…should START with Prevention, ….Contraception, ,…and should not end in death of an innocent!! see rule 1…
Cheer up…”Render to Cesar the things that are Cesar’s and to God the things that are Gods…”
This country is in great hands!!
Thou shall not kill. Please read about the women who have died because they couldn’t get life saving care for their failed pregnancies. Many American citizens murder others not just illegals. It’s not a reason to end birthright citizenship. Just so you know, people who run for their lives are desperate and may not have money to come here and hire an immigration lawyer. The murderer line and cartel line is demonizing all illegals and justifying the cruelty. Right now at this time, Trump has deported less illegals than Biden. So he’s just creating hate.
Thou shall not steal. What do you think Trump and Musk are doing? Why did Trump and Melamia create their coins? Do you know? It’s so foreign adversaries can buy them in an untraceable way, essentially selling his actions and policies to the highest bidder. Bitcoin is untraceable. Elon has gone after federal employees and has crippled all of the lawsuits against him, making himself billions. He has college students in our computer systems stealing your personal data.
I am not confident when these buffoons let go of the employees that care for our nuclear arsenal and then scramble to hire them back.
The country is not in great hands. At CPAC they had signs suggesting a third term. Elon Musk is in our Oval Office and is giving Nazi salute. So did Steve Bannon. Those are great hands? You cannot make excuses for them, Elon has extensive media training. He knows what he’s doing.i have friend in government appalled by musk wearing a hat in the Oval Office while our President sat there being told by a four year old that he was not the president and to shush his mouth.
From a religious perspective, even the Pope is calling this out.
Did you see the claim that 150 year olds were receiving social security? Hopefully you did. But then did you see that they got it wrong and didn’t understand COBOL, the programming language? Because of that they misread the data.
Do you know about the SAVE Act? How about the funding cuts to 9/11 first responders?
I’m all for cutting waste but doing so with intelligence and thought and not subjective slashing or based on a billionaires lawsuits. Elon Musk is our oligarch
I stand by my post. It’s like the Pharisees praying in the street. They were not good men, they wanted to virtue signal.
This was not a political post that I wrote. I don’t understand the celebration of cruelty. It’s not for me.
Read about Trumps life, how much has spent so far of tax payers dollars on golf. Follow the real money not the distractions.
They are using your faith against you. This is not what Jesus would do. I know this in my heart of hearts. And that matters.
Someone we both love said that the government lies. So does the media. It’s exhausting to dig deep but everyone should, before Trumps own words come back to haunt us. “You will never have to vote again.”
Thou shalt not kill?? The woman who has a problem with her pregnancy has options..the hundreds of thousands of aborted did and do not!!
Yes, others in this country commit crimes..they are hopefully hunted, arrested and jailed…We do not need to add to these…Just ask Laken Reilly and her family for just one example!
“Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
Without borders there is no country
Without laws there is no justice
“Mary and Joseph were compelled to make the long journey to Bethlehem after a census was proclaimed by Caesar Augustus, the Roman emperor. Joseph hailed from Bethlehem in Judea, and the decree required citizens to register at their birthplaces.”
(Following the law)
Trump and Musk stealing?? Oh, please…You need to investigate the “pardoned” Bidens!
The pope is from a communist country..He is only infallible in Doctrine!!..
NOBODY uses my faith against me!!
It comes from a childhood and life filled with morality , common sense, questions, belief And practice.
Can all of those screaming “the sky is falling”say the same??
I don’t do whataboutism and never defended Biden. Your quotes are misplaced and misused. You are wrong about the women having options. In certain states they do not even allow miscarraige after care and they have died. Look it up.
Others do crimes. But he pardoned them. Hint January 6ers.
I will not be silenced. You are uninformed and I’m not afraid to say it. There’s no Henny Penny here, just a woman who believes that we are better than this.
I don’t understand why you would come on here and comment on a post that was based in kindness and morality and bring hate here. Justifications. Accusations that I think the sky is falling.
You took this personally and I don’t know why but I suspect that I struck a deep nerve. It’s difficult to consider other vantage points and whether you are being true to your own faith.
The post wasn’t about you but now maybe it is.
Ha ha had Cumello
Do you even bother to think??? What a waste…
You are a dyed in the wool socialist….
You do think the sky is falling…How sad!!
Name calling. Right on brand. Have fun at church.
And attack is NOT a position….you need to re- think..
Father forgive them for they know not what they do”