It’s almost summer time. Get rid of those old bathing suits that you’ve been saving. They no longer serve you. Look for something that represents the strong and confident woman that you are today. My personal requirements? A bathing suit that embraces running or walking on the beach and accentuating my curves, NOT punishing me for those curves. I never liked the dental floss bikini bottoms that get stuck in my ass cheeks. How to wear a biking? Step one: buy a bikini. Step two: put it on. Bullshit! This is easier said than done with the options that are provided to women. We don’t want skirts either. May has well put us in a purple bathing cap with flowers attached to it that matches. Give us more shorts, ones that go past our thigh fat and allow us to be active.
Bathing Suit Envy
I have bathing suit envy. The other day I went shopping with my husband for a bathing suit. He bought a nice pair of Hurley board shorts. They look extremely comfortable, tie at the waist and then go down to the knee. In fact, he also purchased a matching sun shirt. I would look AMAZING in that! You know what I don’t look amazing in? Bathing suits designed to dig into my skin and punishing me for bearing three children.
Stop Making Bathing Suits That Resemble Our Underwear
Why the hell designers still putting women in their bra and panties? I am so over it. I’m over the uncomfortable material, the restricted movement, the complete shaving hack job I have to go through to put on a woman’s bathing suit. Nothing is worse than when my clothes fly off when a wave hits me. I’m tired of your bathing suit designs that are meant for pre-pubescent girls. It was all fun and games before I birthed three boys but now putting on a bathing suit is just another way to put forever young norms on women that are no longer young.
The options designers provide midlife women for bathing suits SUCK.
Active Lifestyles from Motherhood On
My days at the pool or the beach include sipping a margarita and reading a book. They have me jumping in and out of rough ocean water to protect my children as they navigate over the waves and under the waves. I’m buried in sand and running and jumping and diving. I am not, I repeat NOT in some kind of tropical paradise with other Victoria Secret models pretending to throw a beach ball or leaning coyly under a damn waterfall. I’m that mom with salt in her hair, looking slightly messy and not giving two shits. I need a bathing suit that I’m comfortable in, not worrying about what is hanging out, what’s about to come off or what’s pressing my extra fat folds here and there.
Title Nine has some excellent solutions. Below are the exact shorts I’ve purchased or you can go to their website. They have different length shorts and bikini tops to match in “bra” sizes with bra support. They’re faltering and versatile. For more options, you can also visit their website here. Note: I am an Amazon affiliate so may benefit if you use the below link.
I have a couple of swim shorts from Athleta but they no longer carry them and I’m not so impressed with their selection this year. They are usually a good but pricey option.
Finally, I used to be a big fan of Soma. They make great bras and they have quite a lot of options for swim suits. Click here for their website.
Where have you purchased your bathing suit this year? Please let me know in the comments!
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