The Friendship Box
Former Friend Becomes The Mean Kid Kids can be mean. My son came home from school and couldn’t…
Mommy, is heaven real?
“Mommy…is heaven real?” Has your child asked you this question? Mine has, and this moment has a way of…
What does the fox say? Apparently, not a word.
I was outside watching my dogs when a casual glance in the direction of my neighbor’s yard caused me to…
Avoid losing your sanity when your kid has a stomach bug.
Week four and we are in back-to-school sickness hell. I’m not sure why the puke fairy decided to…
Positive thinking and yoga, the most important lesson of my day.
Today I went to my first yoga class at Kaleidoscope Yoga and Wellness. My experience there fills me…
Friendship defined.
My First Best Friend Elizabeth was my first true friend. We met as children and lived around the corner from each…
Let Rock Rule. What the Aerosmith concert taught me.
I found myself at the Aerosmith concert. I didn’t even understand that I was lost until I was…
The back-to-school hangover.
The first week of school is coming to a close. Every morning I wake up with butterflies in my…
A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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