Tag: uptight mom
Uptight Mom
I was recently told by my fifteen-year-old son that his friends say that I’m an uptight mom. I…
Celebrating Life and the Night I Spent with a Star
It is 4:00 am in the morning. I am wide awake. My husband and I traveled to California…
Turn and face the strange! Ch Ch Changes!
There were certain moments in my life that catapulted my growth as a person. These moments represented a…
Remember all the people that you used to be.
There is nothing I desire more than the opportunity to experience life throughout my golden years and beyond. A…
It’s not me it’s you – being accountable in a selfish world.
Things are quiet at home, organized chaos is the norm now that my eldest is back from college,…
The Mommy Marathon, carry me across the finish line!
Moms! Listen up! You are doing a great job! Your children are going to turn into men…
A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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