Covid and the psychology of toilet paper.

We didn’t know that we would be using the words Covid and toilet paper in the same sentence. I have random thoughts and reflections about the situation we all find ourselves in. My first post will start with toilet paper. I’ve seen many memes, viral videos and snarky comments about people panicking about toilet paper. Some say it’s ridiculous, while others have a healthy stock at home. Why are people buying up all of the toilet paper?

How Humans Communicate

I believe it all points to psychology and human communication. As you all know, communication is so much more than the spoken or written word. Humans communicate through gestures, through expressions, their eyes, body language and through other subtle nuances. This can be observed with the recent toilet paper scarcity craze. Toilet paper is packaged, especially in the United States in big bundles. You really don’t buy them in single rolls. So you can buy packages of 12, 24 and 48. This means they take up a significant amount of shelf space in the grocery stores. It also means it takes up space in the warehouse. We are spoiled for the most part and have taken our supply chains for granted. Fear of Covid is causing a toilet paper supply issue.

Observational Communication

I don’t buy lots of toilet paper, but weeks ago I started to see gaps in shelves. Message received. The slight gap on the shelf communicated to the human organism. It communicated “this item is important and there’s a space on the shelf, maybe someone knows something you don’t?” We have a hive mentality by our very nature so people started to get on top of their toilet paper buying game. This started out slow and then sped up. Articles were written about how this shortage communicated more about who we were than any shortage.

Communication Exacerbated the Shortage

The gaps on the shelves got bigger. The bees were buzzing and the communication signals were being sent out. Posts online appeared with pictures of empty shelves. Social media enters the chat. Fear set in and more toilet paper was purchased. Anger set in and toilet paper fights started in our stores! The fights are not about the toilet paper as much as it is about fear.

Go back to shelf space. Retailers restocked but it takes up A LOT of space so they couldn’t restock fast enough. People bought more because they didn’t want to miss out again. Now the shelves are empty. They will restock but we need to calm down. These experiences are normal and we will all level out. The communication signals will level out, the supply chains will level out, and if we are all responsible, the virus growth will flatten.

Why Toilet Paper?

I believe it is related to packaging, shelf space and obvious communication signals when it was being purchased. No one is panicking over soup cans or cereal boxes. You look at the shelves and say “Hmmm there’s plenty of soup left so I’m good and won’t buy so much.” The bulkier the product, the more scarcity signals are sent out.

Doing the Right Thing

This will be OK if we do the right thing. My hope is that we all dig deep and find our empathy. My biggest fear is for those at risk, the woman on oxygen who lives with her husband at home who can barely get out. Do they have food and medicine? Reach out to those around you and see if they need help. Call someone in need or volunteer to go the store for them. Check in by calling your neighbor, especially those in the medical field, because they have family too and are not home for them right now.

Stay home if you can. Many people have mild symptoms but then pass on the coronavirus to those who wind up dying. Talk to people you love about the importance of adjusting for the next couple of weeks. It’s not worth the risk to people you love.

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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