Embrace Your Midlife Journey: Move Beyond the Midlife Crisis Stereotype

Moving Beyond Midlife Crisis Stereotype

The words “midlife crisis,” have become synonymous with a period of chaos, confusion, and emotional turmoil. This idea has been perpetuated through books, movies, casual conversations, and social media. Personally, the term is one I don’t like because it seems imposed on us. Many changes are happening, but that doesn’t mean that our desire to grow or question ourselves is a negative one. What if we changed our perspective on this pivotal stage of life? Instead of fixating on the crisis, let’s embrace words like “midlife journey.” What if we explore the concept of midlife as a time for personal growth, self-discovery, and new opportunities? Let’s move beyond the midlife crisis stereotype and incorporate more acceptance into our lives.

Go On a Midlife Journey Instead!

People in their forties and fifties are not in crisis; they are in transition, evolution, and exploration. This is not a time of decline but an opportunity for growth. It’s a moment to reflect on what we’ve achieved so far and celebrate those achievements. The past few decades have shaped us into who we are today. We should take pride in our journey so far. Perhaps the word crisis comes in if we don’t give ourselves the grace to reflect and change. A midlife journey is about moving forward and accepting the beauty of today. Attempting to live in the past leads to the feeling of a crisis.

You’re a Work In Progress

I’m working on finding peace within. It took me too many years to be comfortable in my own skin. Let the self-doubt and insecurities that may have plagued your younger years start to fade away. With age comes the wisdom and self-acceptance that allow you to be at peace with yourself. Understanding that you are a work in progress. I think being comfortable in your skin means allowing yourself to evolve. You’re not the same person you were thirty years ago! Embrace the you that exists today, it’s perfect to break out of your comfort zone and embrace change. Give yourself permission to reinvent, explore, and meet different people. Take risks set new goals and embrace your midlife journey! Dismiss the midlife crisis stereotype!

I’ve written this before, but life is truly beautiful and every day is yours to own. When my grandmother hit 90, I turned to her and said “Is it scary to turn 90, knowing that the years are against you?” She turned to me and said “Anyone can die tomorrow, and I am no different. I cherish every day as if it were my last and so should you!”

Live in the present. Don’t look back. Move forward.

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2 responses to “Embrace Your Midlife Journey: Move Beyond the Midlife Crisis Stereotype”

  1. Kathy Avatar

    I need an honest, non biased opinion. My 22 y/o son lives at home with me. He is in college fulltime, works full-time, has a serious gf. My fiance’ and I wish to live together and he would contribute 1/3 of the expenses/rent. My son and my fiance sometimes don’t get along, but mostly do. My son is opposed to my fiance living with us because of this and he won’t have “alone time” with his gf. He is not the easiest person to live with anyways.
    I go to my fiance’s every weekend. I financially support my son 100% and he pays only his car payment and his insurance premium so he can save money to move out someday.
    Should I let my fiance move in or let my son have final say? I feel like I’m the bad guy either way.

  2. Lorraine Avatar

    Yes you should live your life and have your fiancé move in with you. Your son is an adult and is so very fortunate to have a place to live and your financial support. Give yourself permission to live your own life! Just tell your son that you have decided that your fiancé will live in the house. If your son doesn’t like it, at the age of 22, then he can, of course get his own place. You have raised your child, it may be time to love him differently and see him as the adult he is while at the same time giving yourself permission to live life on your own terms.

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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