Loving Someone Selfish Leads to Heartbreak

Heartbreak is sometimes a self-inflicted wound. When you love someone selfish or self-centered, they are unable to love you in return. It doesn’t matter how much you do for them, it doesn’t matter how much you love them or how much you try to understand them or sacrifice for them, your love will not be reciprocated.

They do not have the same capacity for love. In some instances they love themselves or their money more than anyone or anything. Only their needs matter. If they ghost you, don’t make an effort to see you, or take you for granted, I really encourage you to hear the answer to your question; “Why do you treat me this way?”

Their answer is; “I don’t care.”

They Will Come back

They will come back when they need you again. And it’s not your fault. There’s nothing you could have done because they don’t deserve you. A typical example of this behavior is ghosting. The person who ghosts you doesn’t care about your feelings until they’re bored or require something from you. Distance yourself from people like this, whether it’s a partner or a friend, they are not your people.

Don’t take the blame for their inability to give a shit. You try and try to do more, to convince them that you are worthy. Their inability to be there for you is not because you’re not worthy, it’s because well…maybe they’re a selfish asshole. It doesn’t matter if it’s your partner, a family member or a friend. Stop the self-inflicted heartbreak.

Your Self Worth

When you understand your own self worth then you can work on boundaries. Identify unhealthy behaviors and how you respond to them. Oftentimes you may have to move on with love and no regrets. The cup has a hole in the bottom of it so stop pouring yourself into it! When you recognize your worth and enforce personal boundaries you can find people you deserve. The mistake I made in my life was to treat everyone with love and respect, even those who treated me poorly. Some of this behavior may have been from my Christian upbringing. Now that I’m older and wiser, I realize that God doesn’t want me to take part in emotional abuse and heartbreak. She wants me to love and take care of myself. Because of this, it’s OK to say goodbye with love and no regrets. This is a key lesson and I have many others that I would tell my younger self!

Believe Your Own Heart

You are beautiful. There is goodness in your heart. You are love. See yourself and be brave enough to face the truth.

Like Mom says….if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck. Believe your own eyes and heart.

Say goodbye. You are worth so much more.

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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