My midlife body

My Midlife Body

My Wonderous Midlife Body

My body is betraying me. In fact, my relationship with my midlife body is changing. Although it has helped me do miraculous things like walk, jump, and run, today it wants to do less. My body bore children, helped me juggle my career and it’s wondrous in many ways. Lately, it’s been requesting some extra attention and care.

I think that my midlife body wants to semi-retire. Oh, I can move just fine, but my body, that wondrous body, has now found a voice. She’s been quiet all of these years, thank you very much, but now she complains quite a bit. Even when I’m trying to sleep, she tells me to stretch this way or that way. She gets a little restless and is very slow to walk properly right out of bed in the morning. Quite honestly it is freaking me out.

I’ve never been graceful, have always been off balance, and a little clumsy. Now, when I exercise, I look more like Lucille Ball in one of her dance videos. Go ahead and click here so you can laugh! It’s all a bit disconcerting and with most things in life, I’ve been trying to solve this problem. News flash to me…there’s no solution to aging.

Exercise Makes Me Feel Better

Moving my midlife body hurts less so I guess I’ll keep doing yoga, swimming, and walking. One of my strategies is to just give myself more grace, time to rest, and to attempt to accept the phase I’m in. How many of us try to fight our truth? I can ease the pain by sitting less and moving more which sounds counter-intuitive but it works. Movement is even more important as you age.

What I really want to know from anyone who still reads this and who is older than 50, is if it gets progressively worse or do we just hold at this level of aches and pains! Will my midlife body take a further turn for the worse?

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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