Politics and Friendships

Your Politics is Not an Identity

Remember what’s important on Election Day and every day. Your preferred party may win or lose. You may have a different opinion than your neighbor or family member. Policies don’t affect you as much as your fear and anger tell you. What is most important? Your real life is the most important. Laughter with friends, your hobbies, your work and the love of life should be front and center. The normalcy and things that bring joy is what makes life worth living. Your politics and friendships should be kept separate. Let me explain.

Politics and propaganda and the fear used to sway people are tales as old as time. Do you remember the Billy Joel song “We didn’t start the fire?” It was always burning since the world been turning! Shout out to Billy Joel, I grew up outside of his hometown in Hicksville. Stop letting yourself find anger in the shadows.

It’s not as important as you think it is. None of it is. Life is so short and the division between humanity will exist long after you’re gone.

I’m a Liberal Snowflake During Elections

This is for all of those people who disagree with me and think I’m a liberal snowflake. You’re right. I don’t focus on the negative in life and I tend to see the good in people. Sometimes that becomes a weakness and hurts my heart. I will walk away from you if you’re cruel, racist or just angry. My mental health is worth more. Our priorities are different. Our politics and friendship should not hang out together.

However….I love the way you laugh. I think you have a wicked sense of humor. Your dedication to your family and friends is something to be admired. Man, you are a hard worker and I truly believe that our community is better for having you in it. I volunteered with you at school over the years and I remember every precious memory. I like fantasy and science fiction novels also! When this is over, let’s have a shot of whiskey or a glass of wine. Want to go for a long walk and feel the gratitude in our souls for being healthy and alive? What book are you reading? What music are you listening to? Are you having family over or are you traveling during the holiday? Do you need anything? Can I help you in any way? Want to come over for dinner? Your friendship and all of the things that make you truly you are so much more important than your politics. Politics are boring.

Look for the Goodness

Thank you for being my friend, my mother, my father, my brother, and my neighbor. I see the light in your hearts and although we don’t always see eye to eye, I prefer to see the goodness in what is most important to your soul. The tricky part of this post is that when someone insists on anger, divisiveness and bigotry and ties it all into a political discussion as the distribution channel, then maybe you are telling me something about….

Your very essence.

Don’t let the media or anyone take love and friendship from us. It’s so insignificant and our time here on earth is short. Vote and then carry on with your life after election days.

Remember what’s truly important. Perhaps you think this is such a simple perspective? You may be right. I may be crazy. ButI just may be the lunatic you’re looking for. Is it Election Day in your country? Share this with friend!

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Lorraine Lundqvist

A blog highlighting my journey through midlife and beyond. Join me as I enjoy the ups and humorous downs of life over 40.

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